Friday, December 17, 2010

Chet Baker

Chet Baker was the epitome of what I value in an artist.  Just effortless--  It all rolled out--
Somehow he had that mysterious thing--- knowing the right choices---   iconic---   Beautiful and free--  I've played his music for years--   yet never seen the Bruce Weber film on his life until tonight--  I've kind of gone about it backwards---   Like several artists I admire--  Judy Garland, Joan Mitchell, Karen Carpenter, Cass Elliot --  he had a (hell of a) dark side---  somehow that fed into what made them great---  a bittersweet edge---  Well, on that happy note I'll say goodnight---   


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I loved CB as well. Sometimes their dark side brings out the contrast to their brightness.
