Thursday, November 25, 2010

My First Post-- Welcome!

Maybe my first post should be about my goals with this blog--  I have a lot in this world that interests me---
My plan now is to dedicate an entry to one of these subjects--  "Old Hollywood is Fabulous" "Sometimes I Wish I Had Become A Surfer", "Why I Think Judy Garland is so Wonderful" "Cooking is a Drag" --  Just to name a few (of the thousands....)  These subjects occupy the inside of my head more than I care to admit---  Thank you (in advance...) for riding along---  And a big thank you to Chase Langford for getting me going---  Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. I think this will be one of my fave blogs!

  2. Mounting saddle...will ride! Find you a fascinating hunt...awaiting peripetic views and please no politics! Expect to have fun with one who casts an eye about for the unusual and most entertaing viewpoint to be savored by those of us who find exquisite enjoyment in serendipity and so little opportunity to encounter it! GO TOM!

  3. Bedtime... but seriously hope that that was a positive response! Paddy cat said it sounded a tad like an overdose response of his to Treats...but then you know catty cats can be!
